Counseling Dept.


Restoring your body and health!

Patient Counselling can also be known as an individualized process involving guidance and collaborative problem solving to help the patients to better manage their health problems. Patient counseling is a unique program, in which a network of patient counselors ensure that both educated and uneducated patients actually get proper healthcare tips to enjoy happy living.

Patient & parent’s counseling is conducted on a routine basis by trained counselors.this is an important aspect in the betterment of good health and lifestyles of our patient.



Dr. R.K Yadav
Dr. R.K Yadav
Senior Pediatrician
Dr. Vandana Yadav
Dr. Vandana Yadav
Anaesthesia & Critical Care Specialist
Dr. Pooja Katiyar
Dr. Pooja Katiyar
Consultant Pathologist

 ‘ The Happiness of Your Life Depends Upon The Quality of Your Thoughts ‘